Avani Abraham | Staff Writer
Featured image: The United Way is Toronto’s largest non-governmental supporter of social services. | Courtesy of United Way Campaign
The United Way is a global not-for-profit movement, which services over 100 communities in Canada alone. In Toronto and York Region, it is the largest non-governmental supporter of social services.
York has a long-standing tradition of supporting the United Way through their annual York Cares United Way campaign. Last year, York raised $185,000 towards their goal of $200,000, and this year, the campaign, which began on October 31, strives to raise $185,000 by November 30.
Funds raised by the United Way go towards supporting many local partners and agencies that endeavour to identify and fill gaps in the community using social programs, providing community members with the tools and resources to improve their lives and envision a better future for their neighbourhood.
Partners include: the Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre, North York Women’s Shelter, Vita Community Living Services, Rexdale Women’s Centre, Doorsteps Neighbourhood Service, For Youth Initiative in Toronto, John Howard Society of Toronto, and many more. With the help of their generous volunteers and donors, and campaigns such as York Cares, true to its name, United Way aims to unify community members in the pledge to create positive and lasting change.
To put into perspective the impact of a donation, $70 provides one homeless person with three employment-counselling sessions, $100 funds crisis and supportive counselling to a survivor of domestic violence and their family, and $500 funds a week-long hot breakfast program for over 50 children.
Since the beginning of this year’s campaign, York Cares United Way has held a variety of creative fundraisers on and off campus, including a Pancake Breakfast, CN Tower climb, Halloween Costume Event, Jeans Week Event, and a Skills and Talents Silent Auction.
In addition to these events, York faculty and staff have donated through electronic pledge forms, striving to meet the fundraising goal.
Anyone interested in getting involved still has an opportunity, as Development Coordinator, Major and Principal Gifts at York’s Division of Advancement Nadia Dar comments, “we may extend the closing date of the Campaign to mid-December,” in order to allow staff and faculty to plan their contributions around the busy holiday season.
York students interested in contributing to this worthy cause can “create their own fundraising events, such as bake sales, content sales, Lunch and Learns, et cetera, with proceeds from each event going towards the Campaign goal,” says Dar.
Faculty and staff are also encouraged to take part “by making their donation using the customized donation links that have been sent to them weekly since the Campaign started,” she adds.
“They can also encourage their departments to host mini fundraising events, like Lunch and Learns, bake sales, or by selling items that they make in their spare time, such as knitted items, crafts, jewelry, et cetera.”
Dar encourages students to contact her via email, at nadiadar@yorku.ca for more information.