[su_heading size=”21″]Only 39 per cent of York students say they feel safe on campus, with the majority feeling unsafe or being undecided, according to an Excalibur survey conducted in the aftermath of the March 6 Student Centre shooting. A total of 193 students were surveyed in person and online via Excalibur’s social media feeds. When students were asked if they felt safe on campus, 183 students answered the question with 72 students answering yes, 61 students answering no, and 39 remaining undecided. When asked if the university should bring police onto campus, approximately 64 per cent of respondents said yes. Also, according to the results, 65 students believed York hadn’t responded to the shooting correctly, 74 students were undecided, and only 47 students believed the school had reacted appropriately. Words by Alex Kvaskov[/su_heading]
Disclaimer: A total of 193 students were surveyed, however, some students did not answer all of the questions leading to a variety of student totals for each question.
Survey: less than half of students feel safe after Student Centre shooting