Summer Bajwa
“I heard someone got shot. York’s reputation is going down. They should make it so only York students can come on campus, because there are many people here that don’t belong.”
Kathy Nguyen – first year, communication studies
“My parents have heard about the accidents at York. They tell me to call them after each class and avoid dark places. When I’m late, they ask if I’m eating lunch with someone and where I am.”
Bryan Chan – second year, psychology
“It’s kind of surreal, you know, that somebody got shot. York just doesn’t seem very safe for females.”
Fahad Rana – first year, economics
“It was unexpected; York needs to reconsider their security measures and add new ones. I think York students shouldn’t be held back by this, or students considering York. These incidents happen all the time at other institutions.”
Jasneet Singh – first year, undecided
“I don’t think more police would help because this happens everywhere, including the University of Toronto and downtown.”
Compiled by Alex Kvaksov