
Possible TTC delay

Yuni Kim
News Editor
With the TTC subway construction project now underway, you might have been expecting a major ruckus out in the commons area of the Keele campus.
This past January, the York University Development Corporation and TTC said surface construction at the heart of campus was to start later that month.
But according to Rob Castle, senior advisor to VP finance and administration, what’s out of sight isn’t necessarily out of mind.
“The main contract that has been awarded is the north tunnel contract,” said Castle. “All the north tunneling activity actually starts up at the Northwest Gate […] there are things underway that you may not be seeing.”
He urged eager students to keep in mind that a large-scale project such as the York subway station takes a lot of time to plan.
“The contractor […] has a certain period of time to put together a detailed schedule,” said Rob Castle. “That’s what they’re working on, and what we’re seeing are advanced project works underway. There are things happening.”
He pointed out that one of two tunneling machines arrived in February; the second, he said, will be delivered next week.
The TTC information booth – which was originally due to arrive in October 2010 – will still be installed in the office where Taco Villa used to stand.
“I know that it is in the planning stages and it’s going be located down by the York Bookstore,” Castle said, though he does not know when it will be coming in.
Nevertheless, he said the initial goal to have York’s subway station operational by 2015 remains the goal as per the current schedule.
With files from Jacqueline Perlin

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By Excalibur Publications



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