A list of foods that will help replenish your body’s nutrient and vitamin levels
Sahar Nourouzpour

While Thursday pub nights may be the highlight of your week, the aftermath of that night tends to culminate in a horrible hangover, all too frequently featuring horrendous headaches and feelings of nausea.
So when you forget to load up on water and multivitamin pills the night before, remedy these ills by packing a healthy meal with some of the hangover essentials listed below to salvage the rest of your day.
Bananas are a great way to feel better fast. Those bottomless drinks the night before caused you to lose a lot of water from either urinating or the other ugly alternative. The loss of potassium is what leaves you feeling cramped and nauseous, and eating bananas can help to restore the potassium you have lost.
Honey and lemon
Honey and lemon tea are great alternatives for restoring fluid loss. They also contain the right amount of sugar to fix any deprivations from the normal sugar concentrations in your body. Consequently, tea provides you with just the right amount of sugar.
Ginger root, the same kind found in ginger ale, helps to ease an upset stomach. The ginger blocks serotonin receptors which can cause that queasy feeling you get after consuming a lot of alcohol.
Asparagus is packed full of minerals and vitamins that can replenish those lost the night before. Additionally, asparagus protects the liver from certain toxins ingestedwhile drinking.
Fruit juice and Gatorade
Both are great for treating hangovers since they help balance the levels of sugar and electrolytes that have been depleted by alcohol.
One of the reasons hangovers are so bothersome is toxic substances, such as acetaldehyde, building up in your body as you drink alcohol. Eggs contain a lot of cysteine, a friendly amino acid, which helps fight off acetaldehyde.
Just like asparagus, eating pickles can be a great way for the body to regain absent vitamins and minerals. They also contain high levels of salt; this is extremely helpful since salt concentration levels run low following a night of binge drinking.
A little odd to consider, but sauerkraut works wonders with hangovers. The magic lies in its ability to restore sodium levels, all the while helping with digestion due to the friendly bacteria and lactic acid found in cabbage leaves.
Although this list may be a little weird to cosume all in one day, try incorporating it into different kinds of food, little by little. The body’s natural response from excess alcohol is to restore balance.
So before you go out on the town, try to remember to stock up your fridge with a few of these essential items to help you feel better the next morning.