From screen to society: The impact and unmet expectations of queer cinema
Exploring the evolution of queer cinema by unearthing diverse histories, challenging stereotypes, and advocating for radical change in mainstream cinema.
Exploring the evolution of queer cinema by unearthing diverse histories, challenging stereotypes, and advocating for radical change in mainstream cinema.
York’s decision to outsource healthcare does not compensate for its failure to facilitate access to gender-affirming care.
York Lions’ hockey coaches Dan Church and Russell Herrington on progress toward 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusion in Women’s and Men’s Hockey.
York needs more spaces and systems designed for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, not declarations of allyship.
We need allyship in its truest sense, such that is not apathy, performative support, or tokenization.
“For widespread inclusivity to be achieved, students and staff at York must replace stagnant mindsets with a warmhearted demeanour and listening ear.”
Two dancers at York discuss the steps that can be taken to make the dance world more inclusive.
York offers a range of 2SLGBTQ+ support, but where can it be found?