IAW rekindles conflicting views on peace in the Middle East
Student groups square off
Student groups square off
University will ‘defend itself vigorously’
Health blog launched by Robert Muller bridges academia and popular writing
York University’s Scott Library, like Steacie Library and York University administration themselves, established a Twitter account Feb. 11, and have since been tweeting up-to-the-minute facts, thefts, operating hours and lost-and-found items.
I’ve always wanted to be incorporated in the school’s decision making.
The YFS executives for 2011–2012: their priorities, their words.
Starting on March 3, York students celebrated Aboriginal heritage with some very colourful festivities.
‘If you think Israelis want Gaza … you once again are a filthy anti-Semite’: Coren
The Excalibur opinions section welcomes typed, double-spaced letters (no longer than 300 words). All submissions must be accompanied by the writer’s name, major, year and telephone number/email address. Submissions longer than 300 words will be sent back to be shortened. All submissions will be edited for clarity, spelling and grammatical errors. All editing is up to the discretion of the editor.
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I’ve decided to switch sides this election and back the winning team. Sure, you can call me a flip-flopper – I supported the incumbents’ cause before I came to York. For a while I sided with the minority because I thought the majority leaders were self-centred and ignorant, and that I could make a diff erence (man, I used to be idealistic).