
A writer’s gold mine hidden away in Whistler, B.C.


Miriam El Abbassi | Arts Editor

Featured Image: The deadline to apply to the WFF Screenwriters Lab is March 26. | Courtesy of Pixabay

The Whistler Film Festival (WFF) Screenwriters Lab is an opportunity for writers all over Canada to work with some of the greats within Canadian cinema.

More specifically, this Screenwriters Lab, which takes place in Whistler, B.C., allows six independent writers to develop their feature-length script in an intensive environment with the guidance from key industry personnel in a private and in a group setting.

Now, how does one become eligible to participate in such a valuable experience?

The WFF is open to all Canadian writers; all one would need to do is submit one’s feature-length script for consideration, as well as answer a couple of short questions about their script. The deadline to do so is March 26, and then the winners would be announced on May 5.

The lab itself consists of two phases. The first phase is a set of five days where the focus is on immersing into a creative environment. This is then followed by four months of ongoing feedback, script development, and pitch package preparation with assigned advisors.

The second phase begins with a set of five days where the business and industry side of filmmaking are the focus, as well as an opportunity to attend Whistler Film Festival + Content Summit, which allows writers to network with some of the key figures in Canadian cinema.

As a writer with the stresses of school and daily life on their shoulders, rarely does the opportunity ever arise where writing for fun is even an option. But with a global pandemic apparently threatening our very existence (thanks to mainstream media), what better time is there than right now?

Taking a plunge into the unknown, and flexing your creative muscles could allow anyone the rare opportunity to work alongside industry professionals.

Whether you just want to try something new, or you want to check something off your bucket list before the impending apocalypse, the WFF Screenwriters Lab may be worth checking out.

About the Author

By Excalibur Publications



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