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Outspoken student Jesse Zimmerman met TV personality Michael Coren’ts March 8 guest lecture at York with fierce opposition.
Coren spoke to a crowd of over 80 about the significance of Israel Apartheid Week (IAW) and how it compares to South Africa’s apartheid regime.
“Once you use the phrase ‘Israeli apartheid,’ what you are saying is ‘shut up’ and you are silencing the other side,” said Coren. “Once the term ‘Israeli Apartheid’ is mentioned, one equates Israel with South Africa, where people were oppressed because of their skin colour, which is repugnant.”
At one point, Coren noted people who believe Israel is an apartheid state are “filthy anti- Semites.”
“If you think Israelis want Gaza – if you really think they want to have anything to do with Gaza – you once again are a filthy anti-Semite,” he repeated. Zimmerman immediately questioned Coren’s statement, but Coren responded, “You don’t have to hold up your hand and declare yourself sir, we’ll fi nd out later!”
Zimmerman then made his way to a microphone set up for question period and asked Coren to debate the issue.
“Michael Coren, I will debate you right now. This isn’t a fucking joke,” said Zimmerman, who insisted he would remain at the microphone since he had been called an anti-Semite.
“You just called me an anti-Semite so I’m gonna stand right here,” said Zimmerman. “Apartheid is two people in one land under two separate laws, and that is what is happening in the West Bank!”
Zimmerman was quickly escorted out of the event by several police officers as students chanted, some yelling ‘apartheid’ and others booing him. Zimmerman later made it clear he plans to sue Michael Coren for calling him an “anti-Semite.”
Coren, pointing out the number of fl yers opposing his speech at York, explained students protesting was “a good thing,” but that the intent seemed to have been misplaced.
“Students protesting have a right,” he told the crowd. “But they wouldn’t have a right in Gaza. They would be dead.”
Police escort student from pro-Israel guest lecture

Yes Michael Coren. Students in Gaza would be dead. Israel kills them:
There is a difference between people like Michael Coren and people like me and the IAW organizers on campuses. People like Coren just make personal attacks and inflammatory statements. People like me actually back everything we say up with facts.
Jesse havent you ruined the quality of all of our Yorku degrees enough with your stupid stunts in the past
Yes, a video that visibly shows a community angry at pro-Israel bullying on campus. Anyone interested in debating the facts in the best tradition of academia can e-mail me. No personal attacks, no Corenesque patronizing crap, just pure facts.
How bout students check out this video
why are people always so fascinated with whores?
Picture above says it all. ROFL