Lewis Chaitov
Staff writer
The women’s basketball team received another tough loss.
In an unfortunate turn of events, the women’s basketball team was in the receiving end of aggressive forwards, persistent rebounders and consistent shooters, losing by a wide enough gap for the Gaels to take the win easily, 71-62, Jan. 8.
If you’re looking to finish at a top spot in your division nearing the playoffs, you can’t afford to lose to teams like the Gaels, who are now 3-8 compared to the Lions’ 5-6 record.But the energy the York Lions needed to bring into home court to win the match just didn’t seemed to be there. From the first quarter, fierce players Hanna Koposhynska and Jill Wheat of the Gaels simply outshot the Lions. The two key players managed to make the York team a helpless bunch as the Gaels out-muscled and outplayed the Lions continuously. Though the Lions showed some life in the last two quarters, it was too late for a comeback.
Yes, our record has already surpassed last year’s, but what the Lions have yet to learn is that if they want to make it to the playoffs, they’re going to have to raise the bar. York’s intensity was visibly absent, as York score leader Brittany Szockyj was limited in the amount of shots that she could get in the basket; she finished with 16 points by the end of the match.
It was the same for point guard Nadia Qahwash, who allowed her opponents to get the better of her, finishing with only 10 points.If the team is looking to improve, the first thing they need to do is have their forwards play more aggressively. They need to take control of the ball and get off as many good shots to the net as possible.
They shouldn’t depend on their three best players: Szockyj, Qahwash and Kate Mowat.
The Gaels outperformed the Lions, but it’s not over yet. Plenty of opportunities for the Lions to comeback and make it to the playoffs this year still exist.
Eastern standings for women’s basketball
Carleton Ravens
Toronto Varsity Blues
York Lions
Laurentian Voyageurs
Queen’s Gaels
RMC Paladins