The Ahmadiyya Muslim Student Association is making sure students actively participate in Remembrance day this year on campus.
AMSA will give a 72-by-72 inch poppy of peace to veterans, and get students to sign a peace wall in Vari Hall.
Umar Riaz, AMSA’s president says the group is getting involved in Remembrance Day because they want AMSA to give back to the community, and the best way to do this is to host a peace week.
On Remembrance Day, AMSA will be offering poppies to all York students in Vari Hall. Students can either wear the poppy, or place one on the poppy of peace which will be on display from the November 4 to 15. Donations from the poppies will be going directly to the Royal Canadian Legion.
AMSA will also be holding a peace week, which includes the Vari Hall peace wall, as well as three conferences on the subjects of world peace and the impacts of religion on peace between November 12 to 14.
Karandeep Pabla, a second year kinesiology student, says he is happy York is taking Remembrance Day seriously. He feels that it’s about time his great grandfather got recognition for what he did for his country in the war.
“Our goal is to be sympathetic for students who had war veterans in their family. This will show them how much York cares about all of its students through holding these conferences,” says Umar.
Jari Qudat